Tuesday, September 13, 2022


Entry: Bernie 

Down the stairs and along the stairway trail to Bazzina. 

Warning sign! The whole trail should have warning signs all along it. 

The beach is made up of many sized stone rounded and shaped by the sea and time. 

There is no shade out there until late in the day.
Sta attentto! Bring an umbrella! The rocks on the edge and under the water are very slippery. We crawled and crab crawled our way into the clear refreshing water. 

We were planning to walk back but were fortunate enough to meet Aldo at the dock dropping off passengers. So we arranged to be picked up at four. We rode back with another couple who Aldo also "rescued" from that long walk/climb back to port. Grazie Aldo!

Here are two rough drawings done there waiting to be inked. 

Bazzina is at the end of the Pink Trail on the Alicudi map. 

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