Joey was off to drop our sporco vestiti (dirty clothes) at the (takes two days, 10€ for 5 kilos, time mostly to hang them out to dry, there are no clothes dryers here... your thoughts as to why not can be entered into the Comments below... we have our thoughts...) Lavanderia.
Started some new works, a more emotional and exhausted from climbing them rendition of the stairs and one of some fish. Or just daily life here in Sciacca! Started another new one that has to do with the weather too. (Really). Ditto.
We then went up to the Piazza Scandaliato and discovered that some very upset citizens of Sciacca were protesting the canceling of the 112th Sciacca Carnevale by the city government by having a funeral prcession. We joined the procession. We know what will be missed because we were here in 2007 for this amazing Carnevale. It was fantastic! It is a real shame that it was canceled this year. A lot of Sciacca politicians will probably lose their jobs over this, and rightly so. They should have done something. Well we marched... That was fun anyway. Crazy Sicilians!Read about it in the news...
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