Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A very nice day in Sciacca: 24 Febbraio 2012

Ice cream for breakfast!

Picnic on the banchina with leftover pizza from Cianciana and vino* from San Palo!

Photo of that haircut.

Sketching up at Scandaliato Piazza and drinking beers until sunset.

Meeting Michele Bono in his ceramic and painting shop and studio.

Joey made linguini with anchovies, garlic and parmigiano for dinner! Those are Sciacca acciuge! What a fantastic meal that was!

Need two months in Sicilia next year!

*The money we saved coming to Italy and being able to buy very good local wine for $2 per bottle compared to what we normally would have spent at home for wine for a month, helped finance this trip. Joey says that is an exaggeration!

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